Monday, March 24, 2014

The Signature

I almost started to cry when I came across this signature on the wall.

What's the last name?  We need help figuring this out.  First name is Leo and last name starts with an "H".  One thought is Leo Hansmann, but it doesn't look like two n's at the end.

And Leo signed the wall o Aug. 14, 1905.  I think we should sign the wall right below it showing the date it was restored.

Finding this on the wall got me thinking...  We have many areas throughout the building that have been torn apart and will be rebuilt.  After talking to Dale, we're going to put pictures and love notes about the building in the walls.  I'm sure someone will come across them sometime in the next hundred years.  It'll be fun to throw some of the before and after pics in there.

Then I was thinking it would be really cool to have everyone come help chip away at this plaster and then sign a board!!  Wouldn't that be cool!  I'm sure everyone would want to come help.... I'm just sure of it!  Three walls to accommodate everyone!!!! :)  Just think about it!!! It would be so much fun!  okay... what if I offered beer?!?!?

We're back! And totally energized!

It's really starting to hit home how much work is in front of us, so it's time to dig in and 'git-r done'!

For me, that means cleaning the plaster out from the wood walls of the stairwells.  Three BIG walls.  One groove at a time.

The lower grooves have been cleaned the upper grooves.... ugh.

The area above the doorway and to the lower left took about six hours.  I've got to find a more efficient way to remove this or there's 3 weeks of work ahead of me!
Found efficiency!!!  I call this a hammer drill, although I've been informed by the boss that it's just called a hammer.  That may be true, but last time I checked, you don't hook a hammer up to an air-compressor!  Anyway...  this thing is amazing (and quite loud) when it comes to digging the plaster out from within those little groove.  Next thing on my wish-list...  a pair of earplugs.

For Dale, that means bringing Spring into the building...

Ooooo.....  let there be light!

Ta-dah!!!!  One down and 5 to go!  Notice how massive these windows are compared to the door.  These are double-hung windows and at one point in their life, the bottom half actually slid up to allow fresh air into the building.

Unveiling from the outside (and another butt shot).  :)

The Jerome is going to look SO magnificent when J&J Glass installs the new windows.  I can't wait!

So tempting to wash the windows even though they'll be replaced.  I'll do that if it EVER warms up!  But since it's only about 20 degrees outside, not happening today!
I made this picture as small as possible.  Why is it that other people find treasures or money in the wall and we find this?!?!?!!