I can't believe it's been four months since the last post. We have accomplished quite a bit, but had to take a two month break in order to move into our new home. Now that everything's unpacked, it's back to work!
Here's a quick rundown of what's been going on upstairs.
MAY, 2015
This used to be two bedrooms. We tore out the walls and now have an extended 9' wide hallway all the way to the back of the building. |
Then we started removing the lath and plaster. |
Step 1 - Remove plaster, shovel, then start in with the lath. |
Same process, different room. |
And another room. Remember, we have 18 rooms to demo! Can you imagine the weight from the plaster that's been removed so far! |
And now it's all cleaned up! We still have a few more rooms to tackle, but I'll be we have 60 percent of the upstairs demo'd! |
About a month ago, Dale was getting ready to remove the windows, but on closer inspection, it appeared the windows were holding the building together. So we had to enlist the services of Craig to come back and tuck-point the interior of the building. Like I've said so many times before, we just keep uncovering things that need to be repaired, which is why we can no longer attempt to meet any deadlines! |
I can't wait to see the hardwood floors with the brick! |
August 14, 2015
Now that the walls have been tuck-pointed, it's time to start tearing out the windows. This is the before picture. |
And here's the "After" picture! Dale said the new windows will be about 6" wider than the original windows. More light! And as you can see, more repairs required by Craig around all the windows. |
I found it interesting that there are three layers of brick on the building! |
This corner office will look amazing when it's finished! |
So that's what we've been up to for the past four months. Tomorrow, Dale plans to build the window frames and I will be out in front filling nail holes and prepping to begin painting! Feel free to stop by and say 'hi'!!!
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