Sunday turned out to be a really productive day and we even finished working at 3:30!
My job today was to take a screwdriver and remove the plaster from every other groove. I did this in the other building and it took me 40 hours to finish. We have someone looking at the building and I need to find out if they're going to cover this wall because if they are, I'm NOT going in with a chisel hammer on the grooves I didn't do. When I was done, I wanted to get this plaster cleaned up and out to the dumpster. So I went looking for my tools, and mmmm.... couldn't find them!!!! I hate when people (Dale) move my tools (ok... they really are his). The yellow shovel is on the roof and I have no idea where MY 5-gallon pails ended up!!! I keep trying to tell dale that the ladder in the picture is pink and he should give it to me and go get his own.... that hasn't happened yet. But I really do love this ladder! |
Thought I'd give you a different view of the building. And Dale finished framing all the windows in the front (39 of them)! Also, note the decorative thingys on top of the building??? Now look at the picture below. |
This is what thingys look like! We're removing them so that the new roof can be installed in a couple of weeks. You know that rain we had this past week? Well... Dale came into a wet building... Rain leaked through the roof not only into the second floor, but made it all the way to the main floor. Man... he was NOT a happy camper that day! Needless to say, he went up on the roof and began preparing it for a new one! These thingys will be painted... one color... and probably get reinstalled next spring. |
See the nail that's pretty prominent? And that little round piece of plaster in the middle of the wood slat? Well that little piece of plaster is hanging from a horse hair. The wall had lots of dingleberries that had to be knocked off! |
Here's a closeup of the ceiling. Dale pointed out that it has really cool.... I don't know the word.... Pantina, Pantene, bandina.... whatever.... multi-colored metal shtuff. We're looking at possibly removing paint and having a metal ceiling. Could be cool! |
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