Saturday, December 21, 2013

A gift from a friend

 What a way to start off the day!  Our neighbor, Deann, of Delano Floral gave us this beautiful Poinsettia plant and gift of goodies!  We live in the BEST town EVER!  I just love everyone here!

The next picture is the space under the stairs.  What's interesting is that the left side was completely clean and the right side had a bunch of scrap material thrown in there.


After Dale cleaned out the rubbish.

Found this really cool shelf under those stairs!  Yep... it's a keeper!
This picture was taken while standing at the front of the building.  The post in front is a support beam between Deanne's building  and the center building.  From this angle, you can see all three spaces.  The alley building is through the openings on the right.

Dale is know for making nice piles of trash so they're manageable once he ready to get everything into the dumpster.  I don't know what he'd do without that wheelbarrow!

Wheelbarrow after wheelbarrow of material is hauled out to the dumpster.  But it is not just thrown in there willy-nilly. No siree.  It's stacked up once again!!!  Only an anal German can do this!

Another bathroom gone.

Project 1 for the day completed.  Removed the plaster from the stairway wall on the Alley building.  Now onto the other side of the wall.

Now the other side of the wall is also completed.

The pegboard has been removed from the center building and now it's time to remove the plaster to expose the brick.  I did the lower parts and that's where I called it quits for the day.  Dale just arrived home and said he finished everything up to the big chimney.  I think he's referring to the big chimney on the left.  Can't wait to see it tomorrow!

getting pretty hazy in there!

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