Saturday, December 26, 2015

Merry Christmas!

It's been a couple of months since the last post, and an unfortunate event occurred.  A virus infected my computer and I don't know that I'll be able to recover pictures from the last couple of months.  I would've had a majority of them on my phone, but as luck would have it, I purchased a new phone and wiped the old one clean since I had all the pictures I needed on my computer! Doh!

So going back through what I can recover, the following is what has been happening over the past couple of months.

November 14th

These are the original window frames from upstairs that Dale threw into the dumpster only to have our neighbor stop by and mention that they'd make great picture frames!  So Dale went dumpster diving.  Our plan is to use these throughout the building once it's finished for the artwork that'll be hung in the hallways.

Windows being added to the back of the building now and tuck-pointing of the brick is complete.
December 12

This is what used to be the bathroom at the top of the stairs.   Major leaking occurred in this room and as you can see, the floor is shot.

You can actually see the offices coming to life!

This was taken from the back door that we always enter on the 2nd floor.  The foreground used to be a kitchen and you can see where Dale took out the wall for what was the little bedroom in the background. There used to be a doorway along the right side which is now framed in with a solid wall.
Here's the bathroom floor.  Obviously new hardwood floors will need to go down in this room.

The board laying on the floor are a visual Dale created for me so that I could see where the new hallway would go.  This will provide better access to the offices on the front side of the building.

Different view of the future hallway.

See the difference in wood!  We have new walls!

 December 26th

Ready to start ripping off the lathe and now the headlamp has been added!

Inside that doorway used to be another bathroom, that's where I'll start.

This is the view from that doorway.  Dale is working on the new hallway, but he's nowhere in sight.  mmmm....

Halfway done.  The bottom lathe have been removed.  The other side belongs to the neighbor's apartment.  Don't want to accidently go through there!

I'm standing in the big hallway looking out towards the front of the building.  Straight ahead is what used to be a closet when we first bought the building.  Dale added a doorway at the end for that office and that's also where the new hallway is being built.

Closet stripped!
This is a random shot since we're hungry and heading to Dave's Town Club for lunch.  For those that live in town you may have seen this dumpster located on the backside of the building.  Ever wonder what it looks like inside?  I'm sure you have.

Well here you go!  It's getting filled up with all the materials being pulled out of the building!

New hallway almost complete!
Dale's wiggling the wall showing me that it also needs to be reinforced.  A lot of the framing was done in oak and has twisted over the years so plenty of work ahead getting everything back in line.

Remember that bathroom floor that needed to be replaced?  This is that bathroom, it has new plywood on the floor and the lathe has been removed today.  Dale just needs to move the two trashcans down to the dumpster.
This Christmas was very special because it was the first one with our new granddaughter.  Santa brought me everything I could have wished for, but I neglected to add new work gloves to my list.  The electrical tape isn't holding up.  Maybe if I'm really good, I'll get a pair for Valentines Day!